Players are rated in 12 different categories, each are based from 1 - 100 with 1 being the worst and 100 being the best.
Rating | Description |
Athleticism (A) | Affects nearly every area of the game, from shooting to rebounding to defense, and more. |
Speed (SPD) | Affects mainly defense (including steals), shooting, and avoiding turnovers. |
Rebounding (REB) | Affects rebounding ability. |
Defense (DE) | Affects defensive ability. |
Shot Blocking (BLK) | Affects ability to block shots, including altering shots, which reduces opponent shooting. |
Low Post (LP) | Affects offensive ability closer to the basket, including post up plays as well as dribble drives and other close shots. |
Perimeter (PE) | Affects offensive ability from the perimeter, including 3-point range and mid-range shots. |
Ball Handling (BH) | Affects ability to avoid turnovers and ability to get in better position for shots. |
Passing (P) | Affects ability to avoid turnovers and improves the quality of shots for teammates. |
Work Ethic (WE) | Affects the rate of improvement for other ratings. |
Stamina (ST) | Affects how long a player can play before tiring and how quickly he recovers after becoming fatigued. |
Durability (DU) | Affects the odds of player suffering an injury and the severity of the injury. |
Also, each player has a Free Throw Grade, which indicates free throw shooting ability, and ranges from A+ (great) to F (very poor).