Yes. You may not be able to get your school back when you return, but you will not have to start over. Your coaching resume remains intact. For example, if you are at DI and skip a season, when you come back you'll be able to apply for DI jobs and NOT have to start over at DIII.
Articles in this section
- Can a coach apply for any job?
- Can coaches get fired?
- What happens if I don't renew my team?
- Can a coach apply for more than 1 job at the same time?
- I know a certain job doesn't currently have a coach, so why doesn't it show up in the list for me to reserve/apply?
- Can I skip a season?
- Does everyone start at Division III? Can you pay more to start at Division II or Division I?
- What do schools look for when they are hiring coaches? How can I move up?
- Why did my school's prestige change when I took over as coach?
- If I submit an application to school A BEFORE I submit any other applications, will that decision be made BEFORE the decision on any of the other later applications?