To start a new Progressive Chain, you must first have purchased a full season hockey team. From the Team Center, find your new team in the "Drafting Teams" section and click the "DRAFT CENTRE >" link.
The next screen you'll see is the "Drafting : League Options" screen. If you do not, click "Join A New League" at the top of the Draft Centre.
On the League Options screen, click the "More League Options >" link. The page expands to show more options.
Now choose "Create A New Progressive League Chain" and continue.
Once you have drafted your team, given it a name and selected a home arena, you'll be asked to provide some information about the chain you are creating. Once you have filled out this information and selected your theme options, you'll be placed in a new league that is part of a new chain.
For more information on Progressive Chains, click here.
For information on how to add a league to a Progressive Chain, click here.