Division II/ III
In Division II/ III every school has a prestige rating (between A+ & F) that is impacted by your schools success in the regular season and post season play. Your prestige essentially acts as a multiplier to all recruiting actions. The higher your team's prestige the higher the recruiting multiplier.
Additionally, preferences can adjust how easy or hard recruiting actions will be as well. If a recruit "Wants Success" schools with a higher prestige will get an additional bonus to their recruiting actions, conversely if a recruit has the "Wants Rebuild" preference, schools with success will get a negative adjustment to recruiting actions while schools with poor prestige and little success will get a bonus to their recruiting actions.
Division I
Similarities to DII/DIII
Much like Division II & III every school has a prestige rating (between A+ & F) that is impacted by your schools success in the regular season and post season play. This prestige rating acts as a multiplier to all recruiting actions. The higher your team's prestige the higher the recruiting multiplier.
Additionally, preferences can adjust how easy or hard recruiting actions will be as well. If a recruit "Wants Success" schools with a higher prestige will get an additional bonus to their recruiting actions, conversely if a recruit has the "Wants Rebuild" preference, schools with success will get a negative adjustment to recruiting actions while schools with poor prestige and little success will get a bonus to their recruiting actions.
Differences to DII/DIII
In addition to your school prestige, in Division I there is a concept called conference & baseline prestige. Conference prestige is applied based of success of conferences in the real world and also how your conference performs within the game. Baseline prestige is calculated in a similar manner where traditionally powerful basketball programs like Duke, North Carolina, and Kansas have a higher baseline prestige than schools like Ball State or even less traditionally successful schools in big conference like Boston College or University of Nebraska.
Note: If you would like to read more on prestige, follow this link here.